F5 - Wildcards

Aus Laub-Home Wiki

F5 setzt bei dem Thema Wildcards auf eine eigene Definition.


Wildcard Pattern Description
* Matches all characters
? Matches any single character
[seq] Matches any character in the sequence
[!seq] Matches any character not specified in the sequence

Zusätzliche Infos:
Wildcard pattern matching is case sensitive.
For example, [abc] and [ABC] are distinct patterns.

The wildcard character ( * ) matches any sequence of characters.
For example, the *.asp pattern matches any object that contains the .asp extension.

The wildcard character ( * ) may appear anywhere in the string.
For example, filename.* and *.extension are both valid.

The pipe character ( | ) can be used to represent or.
For example, [(A|a)] represents either A or a.

Patterns such as [a-z] defines one character in the range.
For example, the [a-z] pattern does not match the string abc, but rather any one character between characters a and b.

Wildcard Priorität

Sollten mehrere Wildcards matchen, muss hier eine Prioritätenliste festgelegt werden; dies wird im Menü unter "Application Security" -> "Policy" -> "Parameters" -> "Wildcards Order" festgelegt.
Anmerkung: Sofern eine globale Wildcard mittels "*" definiert ist, sollte diese als letztes angewandt werden.