GlobeView - Webcam Overview Tool

GlobeView (previously known as LookOut) is a tool, where you can see your favourite web cams on one site. So you can see where the sun is shining, or where it's raining at a glance. And with the actual Version you could see a weather forecast for this location, too. There is a backend where you can administrate your webcams. The only things you need is a Webserver with PHP and MySQL database.
If you want more informations, keep on reading :-)
- Webcam overview site
- support for picture webcams
- support for live stream webcams
- automatic web cam refresh
- see full size of the webcam picture/video when you click on it
- filter showed webcams based on category
- show actual weather and a 5 day weather forecast (powered by Yahoo Weather)
- Slideshow button
- Admininterface button
- Slideshow
- Fullscreen webcam diashow
- Administration panel
- password protection
- add and delete webcams (URL, Category and Name of the webcam, and Yahoo Weather ID)
- create Webcam categories
- webcams with multiple categories possible
- manage user accounts
- General
- abstract database layer to support any kind of data-backend (* MySQL already implemented; maybe others like MS SQL, SQLlite, ..)
- template based designs for front- and backend
- data interface API (XMl, JSON, Atom RSS Feed) (API Help)
- dynamic slide-show gallery (based on all webcams)
- fullscreen slide-show (based on all webcams) & optimized mobile overview (* on devices which support HTML meta viewport tag)
- webcam fetching mode [direct: original webcam URL / fetch: GlobeView fetches the images based on webcam ID (no URL is visible to the user; e.g. webcamfetcher.php?webcam=123)]
- reduced max. URL length to 320 chars (MySQL unique key length issue) & optimized add webcam form (category "nothing special" is selected per default)
- introduced support for mms:// handler (e.g. mms://<server>:<port>/<path>)
- db structure changed (switch back from InnoDB to MyISAM cause of some query dependencies)
- update check & info in admin GUI
- integration of yahoo weather per webcam
- multiple themes available (twentythirteen / big thx & © to Andreas)
- planned [> 0.9] GlobeView community
- planned [> 1.0] implementation of session management without apache auth module, GUI improvements and many more
GlobeView Bugs and Feature Requests
here you can find the "ToDo" list of GlobeView.
GlobeView @ Sourceforge
All the codes, Bugs, Tickets and Discussions are hosted in our sourceforge project:
GlobeView @
comming soon!
Released Version 0.1:
- Webserver (e.g. apache2)
- PHP >= 5
- MySQL Database >= 5.0
- HTBasic Auth module
- Check the Requirements
- Download the newest archive, extract the files and upload them to your vhost/ server destination folder
- Check if subfolder
is writable (* if not, make it writeable!) - Check if file
is writable, because the wizard will add needed entries here (* if not, make it writeable!) - Create a MySQL DB for your new GlobeView installation (optional: add a new GlobeView MySQL user if you don't want to use root)
- Now you can start the installation wizard by opening your loookout location (e.g. http://yourhost/GlobeView/); the step by step wizard should start automatically
More Informations about the install process here:
Ready to start
If there're no errors you should get a empty GlobeView startpage by opening the GlobeView URL in your browser (e.g. http://yourhost/GlobeView/ or http://GlobeView.domain.tdl).
Now go to the admin interface by clicking on the yellow/red shield symbol in the right upper corner. Log in with your GlobeView user and start adding new webcams to your GlobeView frontend.
First create some Categories:
- Image fehlt
and then you can create your webcams:
- Image fehlt
For example:
Title: Fellhorn
Type: choose image
Check Category
make sure everything is valid and click save webcam.
So, if you have questions or any ideas to make GlobeView better, feel free to mail us:
The help files are located here: GlobeView - Help
GlobeView Corporate Design
Alles zum Corporate Design von GlobeView findet ihr hier:
GlobeView is under the Apache License, Version 2.0: