VMWare ESXi 4.0 auf 4.1 Updaten
How to Update the Vmware ESXi 4.0.0 to 4.1
vmware’s Windows based update tools do not support GUI based updating from ESXi 4.0.0 to 4.1. You have to do this manually using the CLI tools. Download the following files first.
- upgrade-from-ESXi4.0-to-4.1.0-0.0.build#-release.zip
- VMware-vSphere-CLI-4.1.0-build#.exe
Get it.
Restart your computer after installing the CLI tools.
Connect to the ESXi server, stop all running virtual machines and put it in Maintenance mode.
The update ZIP file contains two updates. One for esxupdate and the other for ESXi itself
Start a command prompt and navigate to the directory in which you installed the CLI. While in the bin directory, run the following two commands.
perl vihostupdate.pl –server <ip address of server> –install –bundle <path to update ZIP file> –B ESXi410-GA-esxupdate perl vihostupdate.pl –server <ip address of server> –install –bundle <path to update ZIP file> –B ESXi410-GA
Note: Do not copy paste these lines. Retype them into the command line. We discovered a weird bug where a copy pasted command kept making the script default to localhost instead of the remote server. You will need to give the script credentials to the server. After both updates are installed, restart the server.
Fehler beseitigen
Nach dem Update taucht folgender Fehler im Syslog auf:
pam_env(system-auth-generic:setcred): Unable to open config file: /etc/security/pam_env.conf: No such file or directory
dieser kann durch folgende Befehle auf der Konsole behoben werden
mkdir /etc/environment touch /etc/security/pam_env.conf